Which of the leadership mindsets resonates most with you?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

PP : How Do You Help Educators Overcome Discomfort With The Use of The Inquiry Approach?

Earl and Timperley states that " Educators may not be experienced or comfortable with these inquiry process of questioning, reflecting, seeking alternatives and weighing consequences to promote the 'transparency' of what might remain unobservable facets of practice, making tacit knowledge visible and open to scruitiny'.

In an Asian setting, educators will experience discomfort adopting this approach as they find it uncomfortable to question many things. How then does a school leader help his/her teachers overcome this discomfort?


  1. Marilyn, I believe that if a leader is going to encourage questioning, reflecting and seeking alternatives, it is essential that they are willing to model it and live by the standards they wish to see in their staff. Leaders cannot expect their staff to demonstrate what they themselves are not willing to demonstrate. In my leadership portfolio, I added modelling as one of my standards. I believe that it is key to walk the walk and talk the talk.

  2. Marilyn, I believe it would be possible to start with data as evidence on what could be improved. If the data suggests a need for improvement, usually teachers strive to find out why and what can be done to improve the situation. Teachers have a passion to make quality learning happen within their classroom or school.
